Obelisk Small

Obelisk Small

Thursday, 29 July 2010

In between days

'Your toast now' i yelled at the screen that displayed part of the Ice field and the amount of ice present as floating chunks of blueish asteroids, turning and spining in a slow way as they did for centuries, maybe eons.

'Oh my god, it is coming straight at us! SHOOT IT... SHOOT IT NOW!' i screamed.

'Is everything alright boss?' Andy asked me as he walked into the command center.

'huh?, oh yeah... it must be the boredom of mining ice' i replied to him with a little awkward grin on my face as if i where a little kid, caught while talking to an imaginary friend.

2 days of mining ice took it's toll on all of us, bored to death, no longer having fun in playing poker with the crew and drinking whiskey.

'Unload the last batch of ice' i ordered to the crew, 'and prepare the shuttles'

'Are we abandoning the ship?' Andy asked after i gave the orders.
'No we dock up here and head back to our office in our shuttles to do something else' i told him, 'No need to take the ship back with us for now'

When we came back at the office, i barked out the orders to the crew to prepare our Hulk to do some "normal" mining as we where getting low on minerals for some of the projects that where underway.

'Which crystals to bring for this trip Sir?' Andy asked.
'Just leave the Omber crystals fitted, but load Veldspar, plagioclase and Scordite crystals into the cargo bay' i replied, 'We need to add a buffer to our pyerite and Mexallon stock'

Andy saluted and walked to the ships hangar to relay my orders and overlook the progress.

A bleeping sound signaled a message from the laboratories i had hired for inventing some ships so i turned to the computer and opened the communication channel with the laboratory.

'Your invention jobs are completed' a computerized voice said and i entered the code for delivery of the results.

'Job successfully completed, Blueprint delivered to your hangar' was the response and i was happy as always when inventing foreign technology that succeeded.

'Job successfully completed, Blueprint delivered to your hangar' was the second response.

'I should have visited the casino' i said out loud, '100% success rate is rare' and i had opened a can of cool beer.

'Seems the investment of 20 million isk paid off, with the profit i make on these six Mackinaws i can build the coming days' i thought while entering 4 new jobs for invention of more mackinaws, in the meantime hoping the success rate will be as high as these two.

Andy walked into the office to let me know that the Hulk has been prepared as ordered and was ready to undock, i turned off the computer and walked to the hangar with him.

The belt we arrived in was full of police so i opened a communication channel with the commanding officer and asked what had happened.

'Nothing much sir' the officer replied, 'some desperate pirate scum attacked a mining vessel in our jurisdiction'

He didn't had to tell more, as i knew what they did with these capsuleers that attacked without provocation or war declerations...

Looking at the wrecks i recognized the name of the aggressor, it was Ekoplex Vherokior, which was part of our alliance till two weeks ago.

'Poor smuck' i sighed while i was going through the wreckage to find perhaps anything usefull.

A handfull of Republic Fleet ammunition, a stripminer and a small amount of azure plagioclase was all there was left, which i left behind, and steered the ship to my unsuspected victims...

'Roids beware, lotrias is here!' i said and gave the orders to clear out all high end veldspar and scordite.

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